Recipe: Tasty Puding Brownies

Puding Brownies. Ina's brownie pudding is the perfect dessert: cake outside, pudding inside. Pour the brownie mixture into the prepared dish and place it in a larger baking pan. Decadent and delicious, this brownie pudding is a chocolate lover's dream come true!

Puding Brownies So this Brownie Pudding…I took her recipe and changed it up a bit. Sorry Ina, but just a few changes here and there so it was more me. Stir together flour, pudding mix, baking powder, and salt. You can have Puding Brownies using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Puding Brownies

  1. Prepare 4 lembar of roti tawar tanpa kulit.
  2. You need 1 sachet of agar-agar swallow plain.
  3. Prepare 1 sdm of coklat bubuk.
  4. It's 50 gram of coklat dcc.
  5. Prepare 2 sachet of SKM coklat.
  6. It's 120 gram of gula pasir.
  7. You need 1 butir of kuning telur.
  8. You need 800 ml of air (boleh pakai susu cair).
  9. Prepare Secukupnya of choco chips untuk topping.

Add to creamed mixture; mix well. This brownie pudding was no exception. It involves an incredibly short list of ingredients (all of which you probably have in your pantry right now), and a super simple preparation. Puding brownies ini dikenal punya tekstur yang lebih padat dibanding puding umumnya.

Puding Brownies step by step

  1. Lelehkan coklat batang dan coklat bubuk dengan 300 ml air (ambil air dari bahan). Sisihkan..
  2. Blender roti tawar, agar-agar, gula pasir, kuning telur, SKM coklat dan sisa air sampai lembut..
  3. Masukkan dalam panci bahan yang sudah di blender tadi dengan coklat yang sudah di lelehkan. Aduk rata. Masak dengan api sedang sambil di aduk-aduk sampai mendidih..
  4. Basahi loyang brownies/cetakan puding dengan air matang. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang. Biarkan sampai setengah set. Lalu beri topping choco chips. Biarkan sampai dingin dan mengeras/masukkan kulkas..
  5. Sajikan... Dimakan dingin lebih nikmat 😋👍.

Tekstur padatnya inilah yang membuatnya jadi mirip seperti kue brownies. This Brownie Pudding dessert recipe has a crunchy top layer with an ooey gooey rich and decadent chocolate inside! Menurut saya, puding brownies ini merupakan salah satu kreasi dari puding coklat ala KFC. Cuma bedanya ada beberapa bahan tambahan yang membuat puding coklat ini semakin bercitarasa lezat. Butter, sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, unbleached all-purpose flour, pudding mix, baking powder, salt, nuts, powdered sugar.
