Easiest Way to Make Perfect CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Cake

CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Cake. Chocolate Chiffon Cake Recipe photo by Taste of Home. Chocolate Chiffon Cake Recipe & Video. This Chocolate Chiffon Cake is so versatile.

CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Cake With a rich chocolate flavor, this chiffon cake recipe will soon be your favorite! When I make chocolate cake, this is the recipe I use. I may vary the accompaniments, but This cake is from a wonderful pastry chef, Mary Bergin. You can cook CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Cake using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Cake

  1. Prepare of Bahan basah :.
  2. Prepare 25 gram of Cokelat bubuk.
  3. You need 85 ml of Susu cair putih/cokelat panas.
  4. Prepare 50 gram of DCC, lelehkan.
  5. You need 55 gram of Minyak goreng.
  6. Prepare 1/2 sdt of Pasta cokelat.
  7. It's of Bahan lain :.
  8. You need 100 gram of Terigu protein rendah.
  9. It's 1/2 sdt of Baking powder.
  10. It's 6 butir of Kuning telur.
  11. It's of Bahan adonan putih :.
  12. It's 6 butir of Putih telur.
  13. You need 1/4 sdt of Garam.
  14. Prepare 1 sdm of Air jeruk nipis.
  15. Prepare 140 gram of Gula pasir (vy : 100 gram).

It's very simple, and it's simply the finest chocolate. The Chocolate Chiffon Cake is so light, airy and fluffy - it's like eating a cloud! If that wasn't tempting enough, this cake is topped with a Coffee Chocolate Ganache. It's is the perfect rich, strong ganache.

CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Cake step by step

  1. Adonan basah : larutkan cokelat bubuk ke dalam susu cair panas, lalu tambah DCC leleh, minyak goreng dan pasta cokelat, aduk rata sisihkan.
  2. Campur rata terigu dan BP, tuang 3 tahap ke adonan basah sambil diayak dan aduk pelan.
  3. Masukkan kuning telur, aduk rata sisihkan.
  4. Adonan putih : kocok putih telur, garam dan air jeruk nipis sampai berbusa, masukkan gula pasir bertahap sambil dikocok sampai kaku.
  5. Tuang adonan putih telur bertahap ke adonan terigu sambil aduk balik dg spatula.
  6. Tuang ke loyang chiffon ukuran 20 tanpa dioles apapun, hentakkan loyang beberapa kali.
  7. Oven suhu 160°C selama 60 menit (sebelumnya oven sudah dipanaskan dulu ya).
  8. Segera balikkan loyang begitu dikeluarkan dari oven.
  9. Setelah benar2 dingin, sisir bagian tepi dan alasnya.
  10. Teksturnya benar2 soft, moist, airy & fluffy... kempus dan lembut pokoke.

Chocolate Chiffon Cake Assembly: Evenly spread a generous helping of whipped cream frosting on Did you make chocolate chiffon cake with whipped cream frosting? I'd love to hear from you in the. Put your baking skills to work and try this recipe for a rich, fluffy chocolate chiffon cake. Chocolate chiffon gets a tasty makeover with a combination of finely chopped unsweetened chocolate and cocoa powder. A healthier and better tasting oil subs for the usual vegetable oil.
