How to Cook Delicious Strawberry Thumbprint Cheese Cookies (no Mixer, no cetakan)

Strawberry Thumbprint Cheese Cookies (no Mixer, no cetakan). Thumbprint strawberry cheese cookies takaran sendok sangat mudah. Classic thumbprint cookies are a delicious holiday favorite, whether they're chocolate or red velvet. There won't be one crumb left.

Strawberry Thumbprint Cheese Cookies (no Mixer, no cetakan) I changed them up just a little because I wanted the kind with icing in the "thumbprint" rather than jam (nostalgic for cookies Grandma made when I was a little girl). These classic thumbprint cookies are made with a simple sugar cookie dough, rolled in sparkling sugar, and then indented and filled with your choice of jam! These thumbprint cookies are easy to make and the taste is incredible — they have soft, sweet interiors, sugared exteriors (though you can. You can cook Strawberry Thumbprint Cheese Cookies (no Mixer, no cetakan) using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Strawberry Thumbprint Cheese Cookies (no Mixer, no cetakan)

  1. Prepare 250 gr of margarin / butter (boleh kombinasi).
  2. You need 300 gr of tepung terigu (protein rendah/kunci biru).
  3. Prepare 2 butir of kuning telur.
  4. Prepare 80 gr of gula halus (boleh 100gr tp saya kurangi krna g suka manis).
  5. It's 1/2 sdt of vanili.
  6. It's 2 sdm of susu bubuk.
  7. You need 3 sdm of maizena.
  8. It's of Tambahan :.
  9. You need of Selai strawberry.
  10. It's of Parutan keju cheddar.
  11. You need 2 butir of putih telur.

Thumbprint cookies are made with rich cream cheese and butter cookie dough. Use raspberry, apricot, or strawberry jam in the cookie centers. Strawberry or seedless raspberry jam is an excellent choice, or use apricot preserves. The cookies are made with the addition of chopped pecans.

Strawberry Thumbprint Cheese Cookies (no Mixer, no cetakan) step by step

  1. Siapkan bahan2, kemudian masukkan margarin, 2 butir kuning telur, gula halus, lalu aduk merata. Bisa pke whisk ya..
  2. Kemudian masukkan susu bubuk, maizena, dan tepung terigu aduk gunakan spatula..
  3. Jika adonan sudah bisa di bentuk, ambil sedikit adonan kurang lebih 10gr kemudian bulatkan. Lalu masukkan dalam putih telur, kemudian balur dengan parutan keju. Tata dalam loyang yg sudah dioles margarin..
  4. Karna namanya strawberry thumbprint, jadi kita cetaknya pake ibu jari ya, dengan menekan adonan memakai ibu jari. Akan terbentuk lubang untuk mengisi selai. Jika sudah diisi selai smua. Jangan lupa panaskan oven dlu ya, saya pake suhu 150° pakai api bawah..
  5. Jika sudah panas ovennya, masukkan loyang berisi adonan cookies ke dalam oven, panggang dg suhu 150°c selama 30 menit. Biar rata matangnya, bisa ditambah 10 menit ngovennya dengan api atas..

Have you made thumbprint cookies before? I hadn't, so this was my first attempt. And as some first attempts go… I used strawberry and raspberry, but in some of my failed batches, I used grape and also apricot. Butter cookies: Butter cookies are basically what today's jam thumbprint cookies are. They're made with just flour, sugar, butter and egg yolks.
